Sunday, December 11, 2011

Thesis work marches on.......

My work these past weeks has consisted mainly of winding lengths of monofilament on this wonderful weaving device, a standing warping mill or wheel. 

The rhythm of this process allows for a calm space to open within my working process. This space has been vital to the life of my work. It takes hours to wind these lengths during which I pray and sing. 
The process of winding becoming "an antidote to despair, 
as stated about Eva Hesse's process as well

Tuesday night's have been glorious, as my friends come to help me with these studio tasks. Communal labor is enjoyable and brings great joy. 

Jonathan Metzger tries his have at turning. A wonderfully talented printmaker working towards his MFA here at the University of Kansas. Visit his website.

 My wonderful studio! 5th Floor. Large window. 15' ceilings = artists dream

Allison Wegren, a fellow textile graduate student, helps to sew on my string paintings!

Well that is all for now. 
Next is Christmas break or as I like to call it.....Go time!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

 Holiday Sale at the Wonder Fair.
I am happy to be selling some lovely little japanese Stab bound books and hand dyed scarves at the Wonder Fair this month at their Holiday Sale

Lawrence Kansas. Mass Street

Come visit. Come buy from local artists. The wonderful Paul DeGeorge and Meredith Moore!

Support local and handmade for Christmas or else you will be shunned by your friends.

That is all. Lots of Love!

It that time of the year for a THESIS!

My first attempt at hand dyed skeins of cotton, linen and silk.....

Future installation. A room filled with hand dyed skeins. Process and color love.

The Thesis season has begun. My committee has given me the green light to pursue thesis work. And I have the dates for my show. March 12 -16th 2012. wow I have got lots to do before then but here is some beginnings.........

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Almost have you all caught up!

Time :12:16 pm

Where: In my new studio!

Why: Preparing!

What: The Spring semester starts tomarrow. I am looking down the barrel of a loaded gun. In December I passed my second year review, which means that my colleagues believe that I am ready to pursue Thesis work. Such an exciting prospect. I pray that this semester would be filled with exciting discoveries. Indeed, it is a privilege to be an art maker. I constant tugging on my attention and life. Sorta like when our kitten Olafur jumps onto my shoulder while I am reading or internetting.

"pay attention to me" .........he says.

I just hope to not lose all the ideas through the business of life.

Now I am working on a Lithograph for Frogman's Print Workshop Assistant Portfolio. Not due till April 1 but who am I kidding. I need all the time I can get. :)

More musings.

I have decided that if I state my artistic intentions out on this blog I may actually have to own up to following them through. Although I don't know how many of you are listening or if these are floating out into the "intranets" nowhere space (on the line).

So if you are listening..........
I have discovered a cyclical nature to what I make. For a while I enjoy the freedom and flurry of making sculptures. Then I take photos and make drawings. Prints.
A 2-d world free of hanging and structural issues.

My next intention: Attempt to print these (below) photos onto frosted mylar.